Bought a 2001 Kawasaki KX250

Well, it’s been a little over 10 years since I have owned a dirt bike. I sold all my toys back in 2002 to pay for college tuition. Since graduation, life has been a bit busy, from living across the country for a while, buying a house, and having 3 amazing children. We’ll see if I can fit some time in for this sport.

Here’s was my criteria for this purchase:

  • Budget of ~$1500-1800 to get me back in the game
  • Traveling far for a great deal is not ideal (I live near Chicago).
  • 2 or 4 stroke? I don’t care. However, the budget would lean towards a 2 smoke. Besides, that is what I’m used to riding.
  • 250cc (again 2 or 4 stroke)
  • The bike has to be in relatively good shape. I’m willing to drop a few hundred in repairs if it falls in the budget.

To make a long story short, a friend of mine found out I was in the market for a bike and sold me his 2001 KX250 for $1100. It was DELIVERED to my house, which was a huge deal for me. I wasn’t looking forward to wasting half a day and close to $100 in fuel cost looking for the right bike. I wish I had that kind of time. I also rode this bike for a day last year and it felt nimble and quick, good enough for me!

Here are some pics including a bunch of spare parts that were included in the sale:





Pro Circuit platinum pipe


Pro Circuit silencer. You can see that it is running a bit rich.


Renthal twinwall bars


Spare parts including VForce3 reeds & Barnett clutch discs


What does the bike need in terms of maintenance/repair?

Here is a list of what I need to knock out before spring hits:

  • Find a FREE  KX250 service manual
  • Maintenance spreadsheet to track cost (I use Google Drive)
  • Install hour meter (My memory is not what it used to be)
  • Perform compression test (top end was done 2yrs ago with low hours on it)
  • Replace leaky fork seals
  • Replace front brake pads. They are oil soaked from fork seal leak
  • Swap newer KX/KXF front master cylinder to get rid of mushy lever (apparently a design flaw)
  • Shock is leaking. Need to rebuild it
  • Shock bearing is shot
  • Linkage bearings are shot
  • Grease swingarm, linkage, headset bearings, and brake pivot pins with Bel-Ray waterproof grease
  • New grips safety wired in place
  • Flush front & rear brake fluid
  • Carb clean and verify jetting (plug read and silencer spooge show rich)
  • Install Vforce3 reeds included in sale
  • Clean air filter with No Toil
  • Tighten rear spokes
  • Inspect clutch
  • Change gearbox oil
  • Lube throttle & clutch cable
  • Replace chain & sprockets after a couple of rides (stock gearing is 13/48, bike has 13/51)
So, the list seems pretty long, huh? This will give me a great opportunity to make videos on every bullet point above. Stay tuned for more vids!
Love to hear whether you think this is a deal or no deal? Comment below.


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  1. Ishwor Shrestha

    You have got three children?
    Wish i had such knowledge and skill?

    • Ishwor, yes three little ones ages 6, 4.5, & 2.5. They sure keep me busy!

      Thanks for the compliment! Don’t be afraid to DIY repairs. The only way to learn is too go for it!

  2. My long lost twin!! haha In the same boat. Grew up riding myself but liquidated toys as my boys came into picture. Now boys are 9 and 11 and want them to ride or at least know how to. Purchased a 95 xr100 for them and picked up a 99 kx250 for myself. Same issues…fork seals are leaking, running rich, etc. Keep the vids coming and thanks!!!

    • Hey Adam,

      That is how life goes sometimes. After all, it is just “stuff” that can be bought and sold at any time.

      I’m hoping to buy a Z50 soon so I can give the kids rides.

      Let me know if you have any questions on the KX.

  3. Hi Mathew, I recently purchased a 2001 KX 250 also. Mine did not run but appeared in really good shape so I have cleaned carb and flushed fuel tank and started right up. Just finished the rear shock rebuild today doing front fork tubes tomorrow. Just wanted to let you know I enjoyed watching your video on fork tubes. I will be checking on how to get a service manual.

    Thank you, Tom Sauter

  4. Hi Matthew,
    I also recently bought a 2001 KX250 from a friend of mine. I’ve had bikes since I was old enough to balance one both street and dirt. I also currently have a 2007 KX450F and a 2011 DR650SE but I grew up racing 2 stroke motocross and wanted one to play around on. The bike is in pretty good shape for a 2001 but had a few things that needed attention. I really just want to say thank you for taking the time to post these videos. I just rebuilt the carb and put a V-Force reed in and your video made it quick and easy for me. Thanks again and get out and ride that new dirt bike.

    • Steve,

      Thanks for the compliments!

      You have quite a few toys there. I used to own a 92′ DR650, pretty cool bike. I wish I could own both a 2 & 4 stroke, they both have their advantages/disadvantages.

  5. Hi Matthew!

    Thanks for your videos on the Kawasaki KX250 2001. I also have the same bike. It´s awesome! Thanks again from Sweden!

  6. Hi Matthew,

    Are you able to share the link to the free KX250 manual? It seems to be erroring from earlier post. Just bought a 2003 model for a project (top and bottom end rebuild) with my son and it’s been tough trying to get a manual.
    Thanks for a great site!

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