How-To: 2 Stroke Ignition Timing – KX250

This is a video clip from my KX250 Top & Bottom engine rebuild video that runs 6hrs long, showing you every step of the process.

Now, my KX250 model comes with 3 ignition position: standard, retarded, and advanced. Let me explain what each of these settings do below.


Retarted ignition mean that it fire the spark plug a bit later. This changes the power curve of the engine by reducing the mid range “hit” and allowing the engine to over rev some. I definitely noticed a difference at this setting.


Advancing the timing will make the spark fire earlier. This will increase the mid range “hit” as the pressure in the cylinder will rise quicker. However, the top end performance will suffer some as a result.


Here is a list of tools used in the video. You don’t need all these tools to simply change the timing, however if you need to pull the stator plate then you will need all of them.

Motion Pro 08-0427 Gear Jammer Tool – Jams the gears allowing certain fasteners to be removed/installed. Super helpful since it has a magnet to keep it in place.

Motion Pro 08-0026 Flywheel Puller M27X1.0 L.H External Thread – You will need this puller to remove the flywheel.

BOA BO13010 Constrictor Aluminum Strap Wrench – This tool is awesome for holding pretty much anything. It’s aluminum body and rubber “grippy” strap makes it a solid tool.

Vessel P3 JIS Screwdriver – These screwdrivers are awesome and JIS. Japanese bikes do not have Phillips drive, so quit stripping them with proper drivers!

Vessel P2 JIS Screwdriver – These screwdrivers are awesome and JIS. Japanese bikes do not have Phillips drive, so quit stripping them with proper drivers!

Three Bond Liquid Gasket – I used Hondabond. This Three Bond is pretty much that same stuff.


Have any questions? Make sure to comment below!


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  1. Roberto Ramos

    i replaced the clutch plates and I did touch the clutch handle by mistake. Now I can not blied clutch line correctly. Any suggestions. I have traid evrey way and online videos and still not good Motorcycle model Honda Shadow vt700 / 1986
    Thank you

  2. Jake munro

    Hey mate. Been stuck trying to remove my flywheel for days and nothing I try can get it to budge.
    I’ve used the special fly wheel puller tool, and I tightened it until the flywheel tool literally ripped back out of the flywheel, threading the flywheel tool completely, thread in the flywheel seems un damaged. You ever had this problem?

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