8 MUST Have Modifications – Harbor Freight Blast Cabinet
I have owned this blast cabinet for a few years now, and it is an excellent value. However, it will take a several modifications in order to get it to function properly. So if you plan on buying one, below are mods that I feel are necessary.
Mod #1
Caulk all the seams. The foam tape supplied is not sufficient and will leak.
Mod #2
Ditch the stock fluorescent light. Light output is inadequate and it will end up breaking on you. I ended up using cheap lamp holders & flood light bulbs.
Cheap lamp holders with gasket
Mod #3
Do yourself a favor and safety wire the latch springs so they don’t fly out. I used Tusk safety wire (I use the same on grips).
Mod #4
Build a cart with casters. This does several things: brings it up to comfortable working height for taller people, you can wheel it around, and provides storage underneath.
Mod #5
I highly recommend buying a Dust Deputy. It completely eliminates any dust reaching your shop vac filter. Below are some videos I already have on this topic:
How-To: Make Shop Vac Fittings From PVC Fittings
Do Not Make This $10 Water Bong
Mod #6
Zip tie the media door latch. No need to make a mess on accident.
Here is the link on how I found out how to modify the pickup tube. If you don’t feel like modifying it yourself, TP Tools sells a Skat kit that has an updated pickup tube and gun for “chinese” cabinets.
Mod #8
Install a tee in the air line, and install blow gun to clean parts prior to removing them from the cabinet. Makes cleaning much easier.
Hey guy, YOU got u r input and exhaust hooked up backward. By the way HF design is backward and not correct. and most do not know this..
1 not needed on all, mainly, just the hopper
2 yes
3 yes
4 yes
5 not needed , if you hook up the in and out correctly, yours are backward.
6 yes
7 yes
8 yes,
Are you saying the intake/exhaust are backwards on the cabinet?
Regardless, even if you switched them, you will get tons of dust in the vac.
??? I just bought and assemble a HF blast cabinet, it specifically shows the dust collection port on the right side and states in bold print do not use the vent port on the back for dust collection !
I used the rear as intake, and the fitting on side as suction to dust deputy/vac.
Worked great!
Whichever port you use as intake, do you filter it? Or just leave it open?
I use the rear port as intake, no filter or mods of any sort.
Yes that’s correct according to the directions, Bill posted it looked like to hook it up the other way. I am in the process now of upgrading the lights, adding the dust deputy, and the skat tube and gun. Was also thinking of adding a flange on the vacuum side like is on the air inlet side off the cabinet. I saw this on the internet as another modification, have you considered this or no if it would be worthwhile ?
Haven’t tried a baffle in that location. The way it is setup now, draws air across the cab/glass area, and kept it pretty clean.
Excellent video and tips Matthew. Thank you for taking the time to produce and share it. I’ve just subscribed to your channel and am looking forward to your other videos and ideas.
Thanks for the sub!
Hey good vedio. What kind and where can I buy a descent air oil separator for my air compressor
Take a look at tptools.com
Would you recommend the “hobby” blast cabinet TP sells over the HF? Front vs. side loader but a bit more money.
What are you planning on blasting? Aluminum parts, rusty parts? Reason I ask is, you can take the money that the TP costs and build a vapor blaster.
Here is the link: https://howtomotorcyclerepair.com/diyvaporblasterbuildplans/
Do you have a video of how you trimmed the shop vac hose and made it fit between the 2 PCC fittings?
The hose ends snap on, so I trimmed the hose and reinstalled the ends.
Does that Skat pick up tube gun kit you linked to on Amazon fit directly on the new HF Blast (40lb) without mods? If so Ill just order one for mine instead of modding the stock tube.
Im in the UK and want to do the Skat mod but theres no one her thats sells it. Any chance one of you nice people in the US could get the stuff I need and post it to the UK (obviously I will make sure you have the funds upfront) ?? PLEASE
I replied to your FB message.
Another option is to do the Tacoma company conversion:
They will ship it to you.
I’m not an electrician, but if you wire (2) 75 watt bulbs through the small switch and wire for the fluorescent light (probably (2) 17 Watt bulbs), you may have a fire hazard. I’m not sure the small gauge wiring and switch can safely carry the higher current without heating up.
It is 1.25A total, the wiring and switch can handle it.
here’s a place that provides most of these mods
Wow, $188 seems pricey for what you get. I know tacoma has a kit which includes a very nice blast gun. I’d rather buy that.
Hey man your videos have been really helpful… I just purchased a used sand blaster cabin … Where is the pick up tube supposed to be located … I can’t seem to find it . Any info is greatly appreciated
It is a tube on the hopper about 18″ long.
Great video Matt
I have just upgraded my hopper to the gravity feed without the changes you did with the pickup tube. One hole in the hopper drain and a hole in the cabinet for the hose. Of course it cost a bit more, I think about $69 on amazon. But it works great. I get saving money, so I do like your ideas. I will be using your light idea which is great by the way, I like the reclaim idea also. No money right now but it will be added later. One more thing i have to mention is the water separator I added one to my cabinet and might want to add one on yours. Mine seems to get water in the line even though I have one at the compressor outlet, and yes before you ask I drain religiously, I put one right at the cabinet. Seems to help.
I forgot to mention that I have a refrigerated air dryer. I don’t use it much since my compressor does not generate that much moisture due to large slow running pump.
Hi Matt: Good video with a lot of helpful hints all in one place. I have the HF cabinet and had done most of the things you did except to make a new pick up tube. I made one today using your instructions and so far it works very well. Better than the old one and the flow of abrasive is more consistent. I use an inexpensive, smaller, cyclone unit that I got on Amazon and it works as well or better than my Dust Deputy did. (I am use my DD with my wood working tools and it was a pain to keep moving it around). In my opinion the most important modifications are caulking the seams, putting in a real light, using good “dust” collection, and the new pick up tube. For the money it is hard to beat the HF unit once it has been improved.
Have a link to the cyclone unit you used?
I have the same style cabinet mine just might be a newer model or something it just has a hose with a pickup tube on it going to the gun can you show me a pic or even better a video on how your pickup tube is positioned or mounted inside your cabinet?
Can I get the pdf on how fix the pickup tube for the sandblast cabinet
I don’t have a PDF. The info is in the video and forum link provided.
Why do your kits require an immersion heater.
You can add the immersion heater if you want the unit to also help degrease parts. Also, I live in Chicago, and keep garage at 50°F in the winter. I run the heater to take chill out of water as it makes arms uncomfortable.