How-To: Honda CB750 Engine Rebuild 1969-1978
If you are looking to rebuild your Honda CB750 69-78 engine, then this video will walk you through the process step by step. Video streams instantly after purchase, unlimited views, and is yours forever.
Parts/Machine Work
Majority of the parts and all machine work was performed by Cycle Exchange. I highly recommend them since their turn around is very fast.
- Valve job – new guides, new valves, seats cut
- Cylinder boring – went .50mm over
- Cast pistons
- Rebuild cushion drive
- Cam and primary chains
- Gasket set – includes MLS head gasket
- EBC clutch plates
- SS polished bolt kit
For all other parts, I used Partzilla and purchased OEM parts. I have a video here on how to order OEM parts.

Vessel Megadora 980 Impacta P2x150 #2 JIS Impact Screwdriver
Vessel Megadora 980 Impacta P2x100 #2 JIS Impact Screwdriver
Vessel 125943 908 P3x150 JIS Impact Screwdriver
Vessel 900 Megadora +1×75 (JIS) +1 Screwdriver 900-1-75
Motion Pro Clutch Holder Tool 08-0008
Dial indicator with magnetic base
Motion Pro 08-0015 Oil Filter and Clutch Hub Spanner 24mm ID
Hi Matthew
I wil lik to watch the full video I will like to offer $30 you know what am writing from west African Ghana infact my bike is Honda cb750 nighthawk but at least I can watch this once I have no choice unless if that video is also available
I hope to hear from you
My regards
What year is your bike?
Hi is the cb750 a downloadable file or dose it have to be watched on your website….thanks
Streaming only. You log in and watch it just like a youtube video.
I love your explanation as to why these videos are not free! People are such jerks. Is there an on going monthly level that includes this video? I have a 74 CB550 but I think the top end especially would be pretty similar right?
I have cb550 videos here:
Hi do you have any 1980 Honda cb750F carburetor Full rebuild Videos?
I don’t, sorry.
Pease make these available on dvd and I will gladly buy them
Sorry, streaming only at the moment.
would this help be rebuild my 82′ CB750DOHC?
Not really, sorry.
Where can I buy this video? The downloads ect. doesn’t seem to work?
Best regards,
Direct link:
im trying to purchase your full video of the cb750 build. its not bringing me to a purchase page
Here is the direct sales page:
Hi There,
I would like to purchase the full Video cb750engine rebuild but somehow this doesn’t work.
Maybe this is because I’m in the Netherlands? Maybe you can help me out here?
Here is the direct sales page:
bought the engine rebuild for my 750 – really great. I’ve been ‘studying’ for weeks now and just about ready to take it on. Wondering how important it is to check certain tolerances (e.g. valves/cam) with a mic? my service manual shows it too and I saw you go over this as well…is it worth doing? Again, awesome work and worth more than all of the books I bought before!
Yes, absolutely. Some parts will be worn and need to be replaced. Others may be fine and you can reuse them. It all depends.
What if I want a DVD not streaming
Streaming only sorry.
Hey Matt, super excited about finding your videos. And will be buying them all most likely. I have a question though. I bought a 74 cb750 last year, was running fine, with a few things that needed to be worked on. Gave it to a guy to work on and he had it all last summer. Got it back near the end of fall and has run roughly ever since. I think its the carbs but unsure as of yet. My question is about the breather tube though. Bike starts and idles fine, but once it gets up to temp there is vapor, and even fluid coming out of the breather tube. The vapor/smoke is white and the fluid is gas, I think. Any idea off hand what the issue might be? I believe the guy rebuilt the carbs and I do have pod air filters. Appreciate any direction you could give me. Thanks
How did you get the engine to look like this?! Is it all vapor blasted?
Yes all vapor blasted.
Hey Matt, Im looking at purchasing your complete Honda CB750 Engine Rebuild video to rebuild my ’69 CB350 Engine. Aside from the additional cylinders, do you believe it will be fairly similar across the rebuild? Or might you recommend something else? Thanks man. Love what you’re trying to accomplish here by the way. Take care.
Is your 350 a “T” or a “F” model. Twin cylinder or inline 4?
Apologies for the late reply, It’s a twin but not quite sure about whether its a “T” or “F” model. However, I will mention that other than there being two additional cylinders, my engine looks very similar in overall construction to the engine in the video.
Twin is totally different.
Hi Matt
I purchased a “running” 78 CB750 a while back, recently took to a shop to determine what (if anything) was wrong with it. Was told it has fairly low compression and a complete rebuild would run a few thousand dollars. Now its either sell it or take matters into my own novice but capable hands.
With your videos is this an undertaking that someone who is mechanically inclined but not experienced rebuilding a complicated machine able to do?
I’d hope most of the tools and parts wouldnt add up to the price I was quoted if I was the one putting in the hours on it.
What were the compression numbers?
Yes you can rebuild it yourself, the tools don’t cost that much and the video walk you through it all step by step.
They were all around 110.
Was informed it could run but I would encounter some consistent headaches.
I was going to say that compression as low as 120 can still result in a decent running engine.
If your engine has been sitting for a while before you took ownership, I’d give it a good carb clean and tune up and see if compression numbers come up after some ride time. Carbon and gunk on piston rings can cause low numbers. If numbers don’t change, then the engine is simply worn out.
How many miles are on it?
It was sitting prior to my buying it and since. I had it running initially but had no power when riding. Took the carbs to a shop for rebuild and they determined whoever worked on them before had put in things backwards, parts were warped/broken. I pulled the haphazard spliced wiring job the previous owner had done to redo myself. Havent had it running since due to some life/time constraints.
Would a complete rebuild be worth the time or would finding a donor engine be more practical?
Unsure about the miles. Bike was stripped down to bare wiring and essentials speedo etc was all pulled
Email me some pics. At this point you have a hard decision to make moving forward.
Hi, i have a 72 750four E that i bought 15 or so years ago in boxes when i was living in CA – put the engine back together and in the frame, but then got stuck (and dealing with my 4 kids!) on how to figure out if it’s a runner or not as the previous owner had the wiring jury rigged all over including a toggle switch having to do with starting it. Anyway, now have time (and money) to turn my attention back to it but literally can’t make heads or tails of where to start despite having a shop manual and the clymer manual. Will this video, or the course help me to figure out what to do with this and maybe solve my dilemma? Any thoughts or input welcome – i can send photos too. I’m fairly sound mechanically, unbolt this etc like doing a clutch cable on my current ride 2008 Versys, but this is a whole different level – thanks for your time. Jim.
This video focuses on engine only. Sounds like your engine is already together?
Thanks for getting back to me Matthew. Yes, the prior guy had taken it apart to redo the engine – mainly rings – which i put in and put the thing back together – at one point i was able to cross the starter terminals and crank it over, so it did crank over, but past that i have not gotten and like i say, just getting back to it now after a many year hiatus.
Hi there, looking to purchase the full engine rebuild video. My question is how do I receive the video? If I purchase it do I get a link where I can download it? I’d like to be able to save the video file so that I can then save it on my iPad and begin my journey.
Simon, you receive a link after purchase to view video. Videos are streaming only, sorry.
I am finishing up a top end rebuild but as I was reinstalling the camshaft assembly I was torquing the bolts back to spec (7ft pounds) as you mentioned in the video and I snapped the stud. I bought a new one and replaced it and snapped the same stud! Luckily they’re cheap and fairly easy to replace? Any tips on what I’m doing wrong? I checked and double checked that the torque wrench was properly calibrated and at 7ft pounds? Any tips to avoid snapping another?? Thanks for the videos money well spent!
Weird, can you send me a pic of broken stud?
I’m versed in the top end. Gotta ask if this video covers the entire process of a bottom end rebuild for the 750k? My cases will be split for welding repair. I’d like to inspect and replace bearings and bring everything back to perfect.
Yes, bottom end is step by step. You won’t be disappointed.