Bought A 1989 Honda Z50R For $150


Project Update: It is up and running. See the full engine rebuild video here.

The Barter

One of my friends needed some work done on one of his motorcycles, so we bartered my labor and $80 in parts for his $150 Z50. Sweet!


Brings Back Childhood Memories

Now, I wanted one as long as I can remember. My cousin had a 1978 when we were growing up, and was how I learned to ride on 2 wheels. Hooked ever since! When I was a teenager, a bunch of my buddies had them and was actually the way we commuted in our town. The cops didn’t care and there were plenty of fields around back then. In the early 2000’s, the pit bike scene exploded, and my brother had one that was slightly modified. I remember practicing wheelies up and down the block for hours every day. Today, I have 3 kids ages 7,5, & 3 that love getting rides on motorcycles. The Z50 fits me and a kid on tank, and we can buzz around the yard without making a ton of noise and tearing up the grass. I also plan on brushing up on my wheelies, can’t ride them like I used to!


Good Purchase?

I told myself I would never buy a bike in a box again. In most cases they end up as money pits and poor investments. How do I know? Years ago, I purchased a 1992 Honda CR125 when I was 17 for $300, and it came as a roller with a blown engine in a box. I pretty much replaced everything on that bike, and never recouped my money when I sold it. However, the learning experience was priceless and also learned my lesson. Maybe.


Quick Tip

If you ever come across a project like this, you have to look at it in 2 ways: either you finish it or you don’t. If you don’t finish it, can you sell it and recoup or make money on it? I know I can sell the seat & fender off this bike and probably break even with those 2 parts alone. In running condition, I can probably get $400-600 for this bike in my area, so that leaves me with $250-450 to play with (labor and parts). Super doable.

Another tip is to verify how complete the bike is. I brought along all parts diagrams and made sure they were all there. There are bound to be a few parts that you may need to buy, but the majority of it has to be there otherwise it may kill the deal.


The Goal

The goal of this project is to get it up and running in the next few months and ready for spring, all while not spending a ton of dough. The bike is 95% complete and my buddy has a ton of extra parts that he is willing to part with.


Year, Make, Model

1989 Honda Z50R

For more info on the history of this model, click here.


A Closer Look

Here is a picture a few minutes after it was wheeled into the garage. The kids were all over it! Yes!

Bought a 1989 Honda Z50 2


The engine components were unpacked from storage bin and laid out on workbench.

Honda Z50 engine split cases


Not sure why the tank was repaired with JB Weld epoxy. I’m assuming leaks. Tank does not look that rusty inside.

JB Weld on Z50 gas tank


Tires are shot. Dry rotted.

Honda Z50 tire dry rotted


Service Manual

Check this post out for Z50 service manuals.



Not sure yet. Willing to bet it had shifting problems. Otherwise why would you split the cases?



I found out why the motor was taken apart here.


Full engine rebuild video available

The full engine rebuild video for the Z50 is now available here. At the end of the video the kids and I fire it up!



Have any stories to share? Did you grow up riding a Z50?


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  1. That is going to be so cool! I remember my first Z50. Lived in St.Paul MN at the time and wore a ring around my house down to dirt instantly in my yard…thats when dad decided it was time to get out of the city.

    • Thanks, Mike.

      Yup, definitely going to ruin some grass this summer. What year was yours?

      • 1981 Z50R. So it was over 12 years old when I got it! it had some custom dents in the gas tank from the handle bars so you could turn sharper. A few bigger bikes later we ended up misplacing motor parts some where. I would love to restore it as i know its sitting in storage somewhere. Im excited for your rebuild video on this one. I used your CRF250 video to rebuild mine I may have to tackle another project.

  2. this is awesome Matt! First bike I learned to ride, to this day I still ride red! your kids will love that thing and have memories of it forever just like you and I and fellow riders!

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